Bookish Challenge

Bookish Challenge: May with GuT Reading Time

In April I first time attended the bookish challenge on Bookstagram. It was hosted by BookCoyote girl, but not all tasks were okay for me. So, I thought created my own for the first time!

I have chosen quite easy, but also interesting tasks, which I should enjoy. I know that some challenges are very hard to do, if you don’t own many books & other book themed things. I decided to start with easy to go & fun to make. So, if anyone is interested to join – feel free to do it 😉

Challenge of May will be going on in Instagram under #MayWithGuTReadingTime tag. In that case I will be able to track your progress and maybe even share some favorite photos. And at the end of the months we will sum up our results here in my blog 😉


Good luck, if you decided to join it. And good luck, if you doing different kind of challenge. Be sure to share that in comments 😉

Bookish Challenge

Bookish Challenge: April with BookCoyote

Hello My Dear Book Lovers!

I have to admit one thing that I – as bibliophile, bokaholic and bookstagrammer – haven’t done (yet). It’s sad, but in all 13 months that I spend on Bookstagram not at least once I participate on bookish challenge. You know, the ones that you have take photo every day for different tasks. However, two fellows Lithuanians on their Bookstagram account posted one interesting deal (challenge). So, finally, I decided to try out this trend on my @gutreadingtime account in Instagram 😏

I think I have what to show for all those days, but I’m most excited for 27th. Not only because I will all my attention to less known author (maybe even few), but I will celebrate my 21 birthday too. I mean, it’s quite scary to get older and older, but I believe that 21 is great age! Screenshot_2016-03-28-10-03-03

Getting back to the point. Are any of you are joining this challenge? If yes, for which day you are excited the most? Or maybe you attend some other challenge? Let me know what kind of it is 😉 By the way, if this one gonna be successful for me – May challenge I will create myself.

P.S. Challenge goes under #BCBCApril tag in Instagram and are hosted by @BookCoyote account.